Monday, August 28, 2006

Week 5

Film Design : Excerpt from Aliens
Recommended films to watch : Matrix, Aliens, Punch drunk love
Key things covered :
Dynamics, interesting,works realy well, just the right sound at the right moment which tells you everything what is required.

Too much information -- Sound interesting but requires too much attention, other than the video..


Tips for Foley recording -- Imagine a real life, how loud do you hear a sound,,far away sounds,,close sounds,,whispering anything,, Imagine a real life scenerio and present dont hear foleys direct through ear.
Footsteps-- you are never too close to footsteps , so they dont have to be loud..

Glass smashing : Imagine a glass falling down,,compared to the full impact of a loud blast of a glass..A lot of times sound act as a enhancer,,in that way you present a loud smash of the glass.. Enhancment of the experience..

Violin -- Needs natural reverb,open space,harmonics to be heard..
close miking takes away teh thrill from teh sound..

Sonic Design aspect ******Contrast between scenes

Source Music and Score Music***** OR***** Diegetic and non diegetic music

Creating WIND :
Finding just the right wind for the scene can be tricky..Apply your creative tools of synthesis to get just the right sound you are after.. create a " cheerful wind "
*Low bottom end layer
*Mid range layer
*Filtered layer
*Whisteling layer

Music and Meaning in Commercials :

Synesthesia : A condition in which one type of stimulation evokes the sensation of another, as when the hearing of a sound produces the visualization of a color.
A sensation felt in one part of the body as a result of stimulus applied to another, as in referred pain.
The description of one kind of sense impression by using words that normally describe another.

Analysing "Material Girl"-- Madoona

Recommendd reading : "Analysing Musical Multimedia" -- Nicholas Cook

1 comment:

Vinny Bhagat said...

I am glad you liked it..
You ready for the aural test ? ?